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A Statement from the Staff

"Black Lives Matter. The black lives of our artists, our students, and our patrons matter. The black lives of those in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and around the country and around the world matter."

Open Stage takes pride in sharing stories that examine, explore, and celebrate the black experience. In a community largely made up of people of color, we strive to lift up the voices of our black brothers and sisters and make sure they are represented on our stage. 


And the black community always comes out en masse to support their stories, written by some of the greatest playwrights in history - Ntozake Shange, Lorraine Hansberry, August Wilson. Open Stage owes a large part of its success to the black community in Harrisburg, and it would be hypocritical for us not to acknowledge that.


And it would be myopic to ignore what is happening in the world around us. Theatre was born from protest, revolution, and progress. Theatre celebrates change, and while holding the mirror up to nature, reveals the darkest parts of our humanity so hopefully we can be inspired to put those changes into action. Through the arts we are asked to think, to feel, to study, and hopefully transform. 


We cannot, as an arts company, stay silent during this sea change. Black Lives Matter. The black lives of our artists, our students, and our patrons matter. The black lives of those in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and around the country and around the world matter. We as a company will continue to strive to do better, and take action when we are able. Sometimes we may fail, and sometimes we may rise, but our faith in our community will always continue to drive and inspire us. 


Black lives matter. Black lives are beautiful and precious and fierce and inspiring, and we must join their fight and lift up their voices. We must make room for them to tell their stories, and listen when they speak.


From our small staff of Open Stage - we love you, we see you, and we celebrate you.

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